We gratefully accept donations to support the activities of the choir.
The Saskatoon Chamber Singers is a registered charitable organization (12959-0204-RR0001).
You may donate online through, a charitable organization that facilitates secure online donations for all Canadian charities.
Tax receipts for donations made this way are issued immediately.
Donations may also be mailed to the choir at:
Saskatoon Chamber Singers
Box 25166, River Heights RPO
Saskatoon, SK S7K 8B7
A form (download here) is available to accompany mailed donations, including an option for credit card payment. In this case a receipt for tax purposes will be mailed.
You may also make a donation via E-Transfer. Please send the donation to, and include your mailing and e-mail addresses in the message field
Our Donors
Thank you so much for supporting our work!
Leaders: $500-$999
Lindy Antonini
Jean and Grant Currie
Keith and Noreen Jeffery
Barb and Cam Milner
Janet and Art Postle
Partners: $250-$499
Carmen Corner Meats
James Hawn
Tim Hutchinson and Lorraine Salt
Lynne Mondue
Supporters: $100-$249
Mary Conklin
Vivian Ducharme
Donna-lee Elke
Wayne Hellquist
Lila Henderson
Elaine Thaller
Friends: up to $100
Anonymous (in memory of Jacquie Ackerman)
Richard and Annabelle Burton
Marley Duckett (in memory of Jean Person)
Louella Friesen
Catherine Fry (in memory of Joe Fry)
Matthew Praksas
Janet Uchacz-Hart
Dennis Hunt
Celeste Woloschuk
Carol Wylie
Robert and Maureen M McPherson